A “calorie” is just a fancy science term used to describe the energy needed to raise the temperature of 1 kilogram of water 1°C. We talk about calories in food because they provide energy in the form of heat that the body either “burns” as fuel or stores (as fat) for later. The unit of measure is the same no matter what food we are talking about, but all foods aren’t created equal. 400 calories of broccoli and 400 calories of twinkies will have a different response in your body. Quality is as important, if not more important than quantity. Twinkies provide “empty calories” which is a term used to describe calories that provide no nutritional value. Your broccoli is going to be packed with fiber and phytonutrients (phyto = Greek for plant) which are plant nutrients that provide numerous health benefits, such as working as antioxidants and are responsible for giving plants their vibrant colors. The best way to insure you are getting a wide range of needed phytonutrients is to eat a rainbow of foods each day.
Plant phytonutrients and health benefits based on color:
Phytonutrients: anthocyanidins, ellagic acid, flavones, lycopene
Benefits: anti-cancer, anti-inflammatory, support immune, prostate and vascular health
Phytonutrients: alpha and beta carotene, bioflavonoids, carotenoids, curcuminoids
Benefits: Anti-microbial, anti-cancer, support immune, skin and reproductive health
Phytonutrients: Lutein, Rutin, Zeaxanthin
Benefits: Anti-cancer, anti-inflammatory, support eye, skin, heart and vascular health
Phytonutrients: Catechins, Chlorophyll, folates, isoflavones, phytoestrols, sulforaphane
Benefits: Anti-cancer, Anti-inflammatory, hormone balance, support skin, heart and liver health
Phytonutrients: Anthocyanidins, Pterostilbene, Resveratrol
Benefits: Anti-cancer, Anti-inflammatory, support brain and heart health
Phytonutrients: Allicin, Lignans, Tannins
Benefits: Anti-cancer, anti-microbial, aid in hormone balance, support gastrointestinal, heart and liver health